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Real Women Have Curves

Real Women Have Curves. The title says it all. This play is a masterpiece, but what truly made my mind explode was the fact that this is a thirty year old screen play that reflects issues that are still present today. Thirty years of women struggling with the same injustices and prejudice. However, it also demonstrates that real women have always fought against all this throughout the decades setting an antecedent for women today to keep fighting.

The play is a comedy that regards several serious issues that immigrant, and most, women face: legal status, fair pay, sexism, body shaming, motherhood and dating. So even though it keeps you laughing throughout the hour and thirty minutes of the play, it also creates consciousness of things women deal with on a daily basis. For the female audience, it makes you realize things that we probably don’t see anymore because we are so used to it, but when seen from the outside perspective, it’s more than clear. And for the male audience, it gives them a window to the intimate world of the female struggles and needs hopefully opening their mind to really appreciate the female sex as we should be appreciate: hard working, sexy and smart, no matter what size.

Now, I am not here to give any spoilers, for I want you to one day go see it yourself. What I do want to do is to express the feeling I had at the end of the play so you understand how impactful and real this play is to then hopefully encourage you to go watch it. This play made me laugh my ass off, it made me cry, it made me feel empowered and it inspired me to want to do more in life. This play emptied me and filled me all in one and a half hour. It made me think, think about all the hard working women who are taken advanced of and no one is fighting for them. It made me want to fight for them. They are the back bone to life itself. Many cultures still in the world don’t even count the woman’s voice as a voice and yet we are the ones that basically create life inside of us. It made me think how hard it has been to have equality and how much I take for granted the liberties and rights that many women have fought for us to have in the past by permitting injustices to still happen to women. It also made me feel like we can communicate with men our struggles, even if it has to be in a play form. We too dream, we too imagine, we too want to create and invent, but many stigmas and prejudices have stopped us from doing so or in many cases unaccredited us just because of the simple matter of being females. Yes, that’s all I felt with this play. and I feel that even though, right now my audience is 92% male and 8% female, my contribution is to spread the word about this play so more men can watch it, more men can understand, more men can accept our differences by accepting us equally.

So if you are in Burbank, CA, I invite you to go watch “Real Women Have Curves” and if you are not in Burbank, CA, I invite you to look for the next production of “Real Women Have Curves” at your local theatre and be inspired by this amazing play that has been the voice of a part of our female community that unfortunately has not been heard fully in over thirty years.

Link to Tickets in Burbank: HERE

Show runs from October 12 - November 18, 2018

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